Henrico County Schools Calendar: A Comprehensive Guide to the 2024-2025 Academic Year

Henrico County Public Schools (HCPS), located in Virginia, is one of the largest and most diverse school districts in the state, serving over 50,000 students across elementary, middle, and high schools. One of the most important tools for families, students, and educators is the Henrico County Schools calendar, which outlines the schedule for the academic year, including start and end dates, holidays, teacher workdays, and other important events. Understanding the school calendar is crucial for planning vacations, arranging childcare, and ensuring that students are prepared for key academic milestones.

In this comprehensive guide, we will break down the Henrico County Schools calendar for the 2024-2025 academic year, highlighting important dates, explaining the significance of various school breaks, and discussing how the calendar impacts students, parents, and staff. Whether you’re a parent, student, or educator, this guide will help you navigate the school year with confidence.

Overview of the 2024-2025 Henrico County Schools Calendar

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The Henrico County Schools calendar for the 2024-2025 academic year is structured to ensure that students receive the required instructional hours while providing appropriate breaks for holidays, teacher workdays, and professional development. The calendar is designed to align with state requirements and ensure that students and staff have a balanced and productive school year.

Key Dates for the 2024-2025 School Year

Important Date Event
August 26, 2024 First Day of School for Students
September 2, 2024 Labor Day (Holiday)
November 4-5, 2024 Student Holidays (Election Day, Teacher Workdays)
November 27-29, 2024 Thanksgiving Break (Holiday)
December 23, 2024 – January 3, 2025 Winter Break (Holiday)
January 20, 2025 Martin Luther King Jr. Day (Holiday)
April 7-11, 2025 Spring Break (Holiday)
May 26, 2025 Memorial Day (Holiday)
June 13, 2025 Last Day of School for Students

This table provides an overview of the most significant dates in the Henrico County Schools calendar. However, it is important to be aware of additional dates, such as teacher workdays, early release days, and exam schedules, which will be covered in greater detail throughout this guide.

School Start and End Dates

First Day of School: August 26, 2024

The 2024-2025 school year for Henrico County students begins on Monday, August 26, 2024. This date marks the start of the academic year for all students in the district, from elementary through high school. The first day of school is a crucial time for students to meet their teachers, become familiar with their schedules, and begin the learning process for the new school year.

Parents are encouraged to prepare their children for the first day of school by ensuring they have all necessary supplies, completed any summer assignments, and are familiar with their bus schedules or transportation arrangements.

Last Day of School: June 13, 2025

The last day of school for the 2024-2025 academic year is scheduled for Friday, June 13, 2025. This marks the end of the school year and the beginning of summer vacation. The final day of school is often an exciting time for students, as it represents the culmination of the year’s hard work and progress. For high school seniors, it is a particularly important milestone, as they prepare for graduation and the next chapter of their academic or professional lives.

Holidays and Breaks

The Henrico County Schools calendar includes several holidays and breaks throughout the year, giving students and staff time to rest, recharge, and spend time with family and friends. These breaks are an essential part of the academic year, helping to prevent burnout and providing opportunities for students to catch up on any missed assignments or projects.

Labor Day: September 2, 2024

Labor Day is observed on Monday, September 2, 2024, and is a federal holiday that honors the contributions of workers to the strength and prosperity of the country. For students and staff in Henrico County, Labor Day provides a long weekend, just a week after the start of the school year. This early break allows students to adjust to their new routines and settle into the academic year.

Thanksgiving Break: November 27-29, 2024

Thanksgiving Break in Henrico County is scheduled from Wednesday, November 27, through Friday, November 29, 2024. This break gives students and staff a few days off to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends. Many families use this time to travel, relax, and reflect on the things they are grateful for.

Thanksgiving Break also marks the end of the first quarter for most students, making it an excellent time to review grades and prepare for the upcoming academic period.

Winter Break: December 23, 2024 – January 3, 2025

Winter Break is one of the longest breaks in the Henrico County Schools calendar, spanning from Monday, December 23, 2024, through Friday, January 3, 2025. During this time, students and staff have the opportunity to celebrate holidays such as Christmas and New Year’s, as well as enjoy time with loved ones.

For students, Winter Break is a valuable time to rest after the first half of the school year. It is also a great opportunity for high school students to prepare for midterm exams, which typically take place in January, shortly after the break ends.

Spring Break: April 7-11, 2025

Spring Break is scheduled for the week of April 7-11, 2025. This break provides students and staff with a much-needed pause in the academic year, especially as they prepare for the final stretch leading up to the end of the school year. Many families use this time for vacations, while others may choose to stay local and enjoy activities in the Henrico County area.

Spring Break is also an important time for high school students who are preparing for Advanced Placement (AP) exams, which take place in May. Students are encouraged to use some of their break time to review material and complete any necessary exam preparation.

Memorial Day: May 26, 2025

Memorial Day, observed on Monday, May 26, 2025, is a federal holiday honoring the men and women who have died while serving in the U.S. military. For students and staff, Memorial Day provides a long weekend toward the end of the school year. It is also a time for reflection, gratitude, and community events that commemorate those who have served the country.

Teacher Workdays and Professional Development

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Teacher workdays and professional development days are essential for ensuring that educators have the time and resources they need to plan lessons, collaborate with colleagues, and enhance their teaching practices. These days are built into the Henrico County Schools calendar to provide teachers with time to focus on their professional growth and prepare for upcoming instruction.

Key Teacher Workdays in the 2024-2025 Calendar

Date Event
August 19-23, 2024 Teacher Workdays (Before School Starts)
November 4-5, 2024 Teacher Workdays (Election Day)
January 17, 2025 Teacher Workday (Mid-Year Planning)
March 14, 2025 Teacher Workday (Professional Development)
June 16-17, 2025 Teacher Workdays (After School Ends)

These workdays provide teachers with time to plan lessons, analyze student performance data, participate in professional development, and prepare for the next phase of the school year.

Early Release Days

Early release days are designated throughout the school year to give teachers additional time for planning and professional development, while also allowing students to enjoy a shorter school day. These early release days usually occur before major holidays or teacher workdays, and they provide a break in the routine for both students and staff.

In Henrico County, early release days are typically scheduled for the day before Thanksgiving Break, Winter Break, and Spring Break, as well as other selected dates throughout the year. On early release days, students are dismissed from school a few hours earlier than usual, giving them extra time to rest or complete homework assignments.

Impact of the School Calendar on Families and Students

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The Henrico County Schools calendar is designed to support the academic success and well-being of students while also providing flexibility for families. By understanding the calendar and planning accordingly, families can ensure that their children are well-prepared for the school year and able to make the most of their time in the classroom.

Planning Family Vacations and Activities

One of the most significant benefits of understanding the school calendar is the ability to plan family vacations and activities around school breaks and holidays. For example, families can schedule trips during Winter Break, Spring Break, or the summer months without worrying about their children missing school.

In addition to vacations, families can use the calendar to plan for child care during teacher workdays, early release days, and other non-school days.

Supporting Academic Success

The Henrico County Schools calendar also plays a key role in helping students succeed academically. By knowing when key academic milestones, such as exams and the end of grading periods, are scheduled, students can plan ahead and ensure that they are fully prepared. For high school students, this is especially important as they prepare for standardized tests, AP exams, and college applications.

Parents can also use the calendar to monitor their child’s progress throughout the school year and schedule meetings with teachers during appropriate times, such as parent-teacher conferences or workdays.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Henrico County Schools Calendar

  • When does the 2024-2025 school year start and end? The 2024-2025 school year in Henrico County begins on August 26, 2024, and ends on June 13, 2025.
  • What are the major holidays and breaks in the Henrico County Schools calendar? Major holidays and breaks include Labor Day (September 2, 2024), Thanksgiving Break (November 27-29, 2024), Winter Break (December 23, 2024 – January 3, 2025), Spring Break (April 7-11, 2025), and Memorial Day (May 26, 2025).
  • Are there any teacher workdays or professional development days in the calendar? Yes, there are several teacher workdays and professional development days throughout the school year. These days provide teachers with time to plan and collaborate without students in the classroom.
  • What should parents do to prepare for early release days? Parents should review the school calendar for early release days and make any necessary arrangements for child care or transportation. Early release days typically occur before major holidays and breaks.
  • How can students use the school calendar to succeed academically? Students can use the school calendar to stay organized and plan ahead for exams, assignments, and other academic responsibilities. Knowing when breaks and grading periods occur can help students manage their time effectively.

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The Henrico County Schools calendar for the 2024-2025 academic year is an essential tool for students, parents, and educators alike. By providing a clear schedule of school days, holidays, and important events, the calendar helps families plan their year, ensures that students receive the required instructional hours, and supports the overall success of the school community.

Whether you’re planning family vacations, monitoring your child’s academic progress, or preparing for key milestones in the school year, the Henrico County Schools calendar is a valuable resource that helps everyone stay informed and organized.